Convivial days around anarchy and self-government

Reasons why such a bookfair :

It is necessary to move heaven and earth to find the militant bookshop, the furious cinema, the freed space which put into practice affordable and egalitarian solutions to get organized and which allow, simply, to meet each other. Those moments of alive exchange are necessary to move forward to a world freed from oppression today trivialized. So we propose a meeting on 30th August till 1st September in Delémont, about books, to take time to explore the great diversity of the publications and current anti-authoritarian experiences.

Proceedings of activities :

We suggest to collectives or editory houses to participate in the event to expose and sell their publications. Days will be strewed with moments dedicated to readings, displays and discussions. It is also planned to organize concerts in the evening, movies projections as well. Meals and drinks stalls will be organized to feed all this high-flying people. A space dedicated to the children, managed by volunteers, is planned.


For this first edition of the anarchist book fair, we will probably operate in several places.The fair itself and its exhibition stands, will take place in the industrial heart of Delémont in the self-organized space of culture and crafts called “La Cantine”. Concerts, film screenings and meal preparations will occur in “LaCantine”, too. Some films will be screened at the local cinema “La Grange” in Delémont. Participants and assistants may be accommodated in regional collective spaces.

Any assistance to the organization is obviously welcome, just announce here:

See you soon!

The collective of organization